As a club we try our best to support the members, however as volunteers we also need the support from the carers/families/ staff for the club to run safely and for it to continue to do so. And we follow data protection & confidentiality to ensure we only keep the information needed for the safety & well being of the members – we also have an information board at the club, that displays information such as our Insurance policy for the Club, plus an up to date newsletter but also sign posting information that may help or information on ongoing activities, such as the Big Beach Day or other bits & pieces that the members/carers may find useful.

The volunteers have recently taken part in 2 training days on Emergency First Aid & Safeguarding – this has been useful as we have now “upgraded” our first aid kit to meet the latest requirements & all the volunteers agreed they feel more confident if there was ever an incident or accident at the Club but also if we feel we can support any members who may need that extra bit of support.

As the Club has vulnerable adults, it is important to make sure we are compliant with DBS enhanced disclosures and would know how to raise a safeguarding concern should we feel the need – this is where we have the benefit of several of our volunteers currently working in various caring/supportive roles- Such as Adult Social Care, Local Authority Mental Health Team, Green light plus others and have therefore received further training & have experience in this area.

We have been lucky to have a Zoom account throughout the pandemic & will continue to use this option to help with any members who are maybe feeling anxious or simply unsure at the moment. This can be very informal & can easily be set up to suit - all you need is access to a computer, tablet or a mobile phone.

Please ask for for more information via the contact form!

Safeguarding policy updated March 2024.

Please find below the Clubs updated safeguarding information 

Safeguarding March  2024 - Download policy here; Updated Safe guarding Policy March 2024.

If you are an adult experiencing abuse or neglect, or if you are concerned about someone else, please contact the relevant numbers; For Cornwall, call 0300 1234 131 (between 8.45am - 4.45pm) out of hours call 01208 251300 or email Cornwall Councils access team on